Signs of vein weakness
Varicose veins are swollen and enlarged veins that usually occur on the legs and feet. They may be blue or dark purple and are often lumpy, bulging or twisted in appearance just visible under the surface of the skin.
Varicose veins are created when the venous valves become faulty, this is known as valve insufficiency. If the venous valve function decreases, blood collects in the veins. It puts pressure on the venous wall, causing the veins to become stretched and enlarged (varicose).
Varicose veins can be easily recognised and identified. Unlike thread veins, which are mostly harmless, varicose veins can cause discomfort and pain in the legs. If you suffer with signs and symptoms described, you may benefit from some treatment. Possible signs include:
People with varicose veins can suffer from tired and heavy legs, particularly in the evenings, after long periods of standing or sitting but also in warm weather conditions. The ankle area can also be swollen because fluid has collected in the tissue there. The symptoms can be alleviated by lying down or sitting with your legs raised.
Many women first notice varicose veins during pregnancy. As the pregnant mother gains weight, her body produces more blood and the pressure in her veins increases. Tired and swollen legs during the day are a common side effect during the months of pregnancy.
The following factors may increase the development of varicose veins:
Everything that prevents the blood returning from the legs:
Everything that relaxes the venous wall:
Everything that impedes or shuts off the muscle movement:
Venous diseases can be hereditary. It is possible other members of your family may experience similar symptoms, so be aware of the signs and symptoms.
Avoid standing or sitting still for long periods and try to move around every 30 minutes. Simple exercises support the venous return by improving the circulation and can help to maintain a healthy weight. Try to introduce vein exercises several times a day, they will get your circulatory system moving and are quick to do. Consider adding the following choices into daily life:
Avoid hot baths, underfloor heating and saunas because warmth makes your veins expand more and can negatively affect the return flow of blood.
Diagnosing varicosis: This is how varicose veins are diagnosed
For a precise diagnosis, the health care practitioner examines the characteristics of the vein weakness and checks whether deeper veins are also responsible for the varicose veins. The following medical procedures are used in the diagnosis of varicose veins:
The examination methods listed are not painful and do not involve any risk!
Varicosis therapy: Treatment of varicose veins
Venous disorders are not curable because defective venous valves or dilated veins cannot be restored to their original state. However, there are ways to reduce the impact of the symptoms.
The general rule: You decide together with your doctor what measures are necessary and advisable. Smaller thread veins can be treated with laser. In sclerotherapy, a substance is injected into the affected vein with a very thin needle. This leads to the vein being permanently sealed. Larger varicose veins are usually removed surgically. The surgical methods are so advanced that there are hardly any visible scars and all healthy veins are retained.
There is no medicine to cure varicose veins. However, medicines can be a useful supplement and aid to treatment of symptoms.
If the condition remains untreated, the increased pressure in the veins means that increased fluid will collect in the leg tissue. Healthcare practitioners refer to this as an oedema (swelling). Furthermore, red blood cells in the circulation, can enter the tissue. These become visible as reddish-brown skin discolouration on the lower legs. Owing to the changes in the vascular wall and the reduced speed of the blood flow, the varices can become inflamed (phlebitis), with either severe or less severe development of a blood clot (thrombus).
A lower leg wound is the most severe possible consequence of varicose veins. If left untreated, varicose veins can therefore have a negative impact on your health:
A vein specialist is known as a “phlebologist”. Phlebologists specialise in the diagnosis and treatment of vascular diseases, particularly venous diseases.
They treat venous disease, among other things, including varicose veins (varicosis) in the lower extremities or thrombosis diseases, such as deep vein thrombosis in the legs, as do vascular surgeons. Skin specialists, such as dermatologists, also treat venous conditions.
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Your Doctor or Clinician decides on your treatment therapy after diagnosing your condition. They will then prescribe the relevant wound care therapy products to meet the patient’s individual treatment plan.
* Rabe E et al. Indications for medical compression stockings in venous and lymphatic disorders: An evidence-based consensus statement. Phlebology 2018;33(3):163-184.