
(tummy tuck)

Picture of  doctors drawing circles on a leg as part of the Abdominoplasty surgery process Picture of  doctors drawing circles on a leg as part of the Abdominoplasty surgery process

A surgical operation involving the removal of excess flesh from the abdominal

To improve the shape of the tummy: There are lots of reasons why people have a tummy tuck operation. These can range from having weaker abdominal muscles after pregnancy, having lost a lot of weight or simply due to the perfectly normal ageing process. It is very rare that this conspicuous excess fold of tissue can be combated by dieting or exercise.

Liposuction alone is not enough in such cases as it is just as important to remove the excessive skin. A tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), combined with liposuction if necessary, is advisable in these cases. The operation is performed under general anaesthesia which involves a stay in hospital.

For the abdominoplasty, a horizontal incision is made just above the pubic hairline. The surgeon normally places the incision in such a way that it is completely covered by the underwear or swimwear. The surgeon then separates the skin and fatty tissue from the abdominal musculature. If the skin is sufficiently elastic, it can be tightened by pulling downwards and removing the surplus skin. A new opening is made for the belly button and the surgical wound is closed.

Aftercare is similar to that for liposuction. However, since a tummy tuck is a far more major operation, the surgical wound must also be cared for. The general surgical risks are also higher with this procedure. Furthermore, no sports or lifting heavy loads are allowed for a period of about 8 weeks after surgery.

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Picture of a doctor performing cosmetic surgery on a patient in the operating rioomPicture of a doctor performing cosmetic surgery on a patient in the operating rioom
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