Many people spend the major part of their working hours at their desks, where they remain motionless in a fixed, tense posture in front of their computers.
However, sitting for long periods is hard labour for our backs. For this reason, it's hardly surprising that many office workers complain about pain in their backs or necks.
Sitting properly and ergonomic office furniture and equipment can help people with bad backs prevent back pain and once again perform their work free of pain.
Ms Susanne Weber, coach/ergonomics advisor and physiotherapist at Dauphin HumanDesign® Group GmbH & Co. KG, talks about sitting habits and lack of exercise in day-to-day office life.
Prolonged sitting in front of the computer can damage the spine. People who work in offices and spend most of their time concentrating on the screen are more likely to suffer back pain.
With a properly set up workplace, which optimally puts into practice all the various aspects of ergonomics, you will work more productively and can keep your back pain permanently under control.
This e-book will tell you,
In order to prevent back pain at work, the workplace must not only be furnished and equipped ergonomically, but a couple of rules for sitting ergonomically should be observed as well.
Our video will show you the ideal set up for your desk and chair.
Use the time during the breaks to relax your back.
In the video, we'll show you just how quickly and simply you can do this at your workplace.
Prolonged sitting is very stressful for the back. However, many people have to spend hours and hours sitting in front of the PC or at their desks. So we should sit dynamically to take the strain off our locomotor apparatus and thus prevent back pain.
This means changing the sitting position as often as possible.
Changing position constantly is a form of natural exercise for the back muscles. Regular movement also promotes the circulation to the muscles and increases the supply of nutrients to the intervertebral discs.
For dynamic sitting, we should ideally alternate between three sitting positions: leaning forward, then upright and then finally leaning back again.
Do you want to fight against back pain?
What medical devices are there to strengthen muscles and relieve pain?
Read our white paper for more information on how to actively combat back pain with supports and orthoses.