medi Therapy Concept Leg Ulcer

Effective therapy for individualised patient centred treatment

medi offers a wide ranging concept spanning wound assessment through to debridement and patient centred care for the underlying disease management though to long-term prevention of recurrence. A completely new approach to wound care.

Effective therapy chain for guideline-compliant and patient-individual treatment

medi Therapy Concept Leg Ulcer

Effective therapy chain for treating leg ulcers. Patient-individual treatment in three steps.

medi Therapy Concept Leg Ulcer UK
  1. Step 1: Assess and clean

    Holistic assessment of the limb is essential in order to plan the appropriate treatment. Wound cleansing is neccessary to remove factors that inhibit wound healing. Learn more.

  2. Step 2: Treat

    The underlying disease needs to be treated so that the wound can heal. In the case of venous leg ulcers, the underlying disease is chronic venous insufficiency. The basic treatment, according to the guidelines, is compression therapy. Learn more.

  3. Step 3: Prevent

    To maintain the long-term treatment success and to prevent a recurrence of the wound, compression therapy must be continued. Learn more.

Step 1

Assess and clean

Cleansing of the wound is essential in wound care: Only a clean wound can heal.

With UCS Debridement, medi offers a highly effective wound cleansing cloth. The combination of autolytic and mechanical debridement provides an effective and largely painless cleansing.

Assess and clean
UCS® Debridement - Ready-to-use, pre-moistened debridement cloth

UCS® Debridement

Ready-to-use, sterile, pre-moistened debridement cloth for effective wound cleansing and hydration of the surrounding skin.

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Simple and precise measurement of the Ankle Brachial Pressure Index (ABPI) within 1 minute.

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A completely new concept of a medical device with numerous diagnostic modules within one system - for smart and easy measurements and medical records.

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Step 2


Treating the underlying disease is necessary for the wound to heal. In the case of venous leg ulcers, the underlying cause is venous hypertension, which is reduced with compression therapy.

In most cases venous oedema is present. Using adjustable compression such as juxtalite or juxtacures, medi is able to offer an alternative to traditional bandaging to reduce the venous oedema and the wetness in the ulcer itself.

Once the venous oedema has been addressed, the patient has the option to switch to the well-established dual layer compression system mediven ulcer kit which can offer 24 hours compression therapy until the wound is completely healed. For those patients who are not able to apply compression stockings, medi has the juxtalite as the perfect solution.

circaid® juxtacures® - Initial decongestion of venous oedema

circaid® juxtacures®

Initial decongestion of venous oedema

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mediven® ulcer kit - Compression therapy without oedema

mediven® ulcer kit

Compression therapy without oedema

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circaid® juxtalite® - Compression therapy without oedema

circaid® juxtalite®

Compression therapy without oedema

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Step 3


Even after the wound has healed, the underlying chronic venous insufficiency still persists. In order to ensure the long-term success of the therapy and to prevent a recurrence of the wound, consequent compression therapy must be continued.

medi offers the appropriate stockings for modern compression therapy. Depending on the tendency for oedema, round or flat knitted medical compression stockings are used. Many colours, pleasant wearing comfort and medical efficacy ensure that the medical compression stockings are the perfect choice for prevention of recurrence.

Even for those patients who are not able to apply or tolerate medical compression hosiery medi offers an alternative – circaid juxtalite.

mediven® plus - Round-knitted medical compression stocking for tendency to venous oedema

mediven® plus

Round-knitted medical compression stocking for tendency to venous oedema

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mediven mondi® - Flat-knitted medical compression stocking for concomitant lymphoedema

mediven mondi®

Flat-knitted medical compression stocking for concomitant lymphoedema

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circaid® juxtalite® - Adjustable compression device

circaid® juxtalite®

Adjustable compression device


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Additional products to support compression therapy

Sometimes it is difficult for patients to put on their compression stockings. medi offers a large selection of practical donning and doffing aids.

Product overview donning and doffing aids

For patients with sensitive skin there is also a special skin care series by medi. The rich ingredients pamper the skin and help it regenerate.

Find out more about medi skin care

medi donning and doffing aids
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