Useful links / Contacts - To promote a forum to advance the education of nurses and other healthcare professionals involved in the treatment of persons with leg ulcers and related conditions including wounds through discussion, debate and dissemination of relevant research findings. - The aim of this website is to provide information, advice and guidance for the everyday practitioner and specialists working in the field of Tissue Viability, in addition to being a significant voice for tissue viability for both practitioners and patients. - Lymphoedema Support Network website. The LSN is a registered charity run by people who live with lymphoedema and is the largest informat ion provider about the condition in the UK. This website forms part of our work and contains information for patients about the condition and the experience of living with lymphoedema as well as information for health care professionals looking to support patients with lymphoedema. - The British Lymphoedema Society. BLS members consist of health care professionals, as well as others who are directly involved in the management of lymphoedema. Members are encouraged to actively participate in helping to further the work of the society. - The Foundation has been created to relieve suffering from leg ulcers and associated conditions through the implementation of an award winning model that motivates and empowers patients to take ownership of their care, alleviate their suffering and reduce the stigma attached to their condition. It also seeks to further advance education in all aspects of leg health among sufferers, carers, the general public and the healthcare professions. - The Royal College of Nursing, as a membership organisation, have developed a dedicated section covering advice and information on all of the things that matter to Nurses. - British Medical Association are the independent trade union and professional association for doctors and medical students, with over 140,000 members worldwide. - National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence - NICE is an independent organisation responsible for providing national guidance on promoting good health and preventing and treating ill health. - Wounds UK is the UK's leading journal & events company in the field of Wound Healing and Management. - this site strives to provide the most current and accurate information and news on causes and preventative treatment for Leimyosarcoma.  If you're not familiar with Leimyosarcoma, in short, sarcoma is a type of malignant tumour that effects supportive tissues of the body. For more information, click on the link above. - Lipoedema is a condition that makes you accumulate fat below the waist, often giving you hips, buttocks and legs that are out of proportion with your upper body. It can also affect your arms. Lipoedema UK is the UK's charity for Lipoedema.