mv mondi & cosy made-2-measure

Flat-knit fabric - tips for ordering

Mondi Made to Measure - Tips For Ordering

How to order mondi or cosy made-2-measure on FP10

mediven mondi and mediven cosy made-to-measure are both now available on FP10/GP10 in a range of colours and trend colours. mediven cosy also has a range of patterns as well as a lateral seam option - at no extra cost!

We have made it simple to order and simple to measure - click here to download the measurement/referral form.

Once you've downloaded your made-2-measure form

  • Ensure all relevant sections are completed, including patient name and number
  • Attach to a prescription for "mediven mondi flat knit made-to-measure" or "mediven cosy flat knit made-to-meausre"
  • Note to Pharmacy: please advise us if invoice and delivery address are different

mediven mondi® product codes:

PRODUCT STYLE ccl 1 ccl 2 ccl 3
mondi below knee DTMK1 DTMK2 DTMK3
mondi thigh length DTMK1 DTMK2 DTMK3
mondi thigh length w/waist att DTMW1 DTMW2 DTMW3
mondi one legged panty DTMOP1 DTMOP2 DTMOP3
mondi tights n/a DTMTG2 DTMTG3

mediven cosy product codes:

PRODUCT STYLE ccl 1 ccl 2 ccl 3
cosy below knee DTCK1 DTCK2 DTCK3
cosy thigh length DTCT1 DTCT2 DTCT3
cosy thigh length w/waist att DTCW1 DTCW2 DTCW3
cosy tights DTCTG1 DTCTG2 DTCTG3


Add (if applicable)

Silicone Top BandDTTB
Closed ToeDTTOE

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