Comfortable support for abdomen or chest
The protect.Abdominal support is a abdominal support. The product is exclusively to be used for the orthotic fitting of the lower back and only on intact skin.
Product featuresIntended purpose
- Comfortable to wear thanks to elastic and breathable material
- Gentle to the skin
- Variable velcro tab facilitates handling and permits adaptation of the compression, according to the indication
protect.Abdominal support is a medical support binder for stabilisation of the abdominal wall.
All indications which require stabilisation of the abdominal wall, such as:
- Postoperative treatment
- After operations to the chest or abdomen
- Postoperative oedema
- Bruising to the rib cage
- Broken ribs
- To support abdominal musculature
- To relieve pressure on the spinal column
- To facilitate healing of scars
None known at present.
Size table

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