duomed soft compression stockings sandduomed soft compression stockings sand
duomed soft compression stockings sandduomed soft compression stockings sand

duomed® soft

Graduated compression elastic hosiery
  • For HIM and HER
  • Supple and elastic stocking
  • Light to wear, comfortable and breathable
Product variety
Standard colours
Below-knee stocking
Thigh-length stocking

Daily wear for gentle care

duomed soft combines ideal wearing properties and appropriate medical compression whilst maintaining the look and feel of a non-medical stocking.
As they contain polyamide threads they are light to wear, comfortable and breathable.

Product features
  • Three compression classes
  • Below knee and full thigh length available in all classes
  • Open or closed toe
  • Machine washable
  • Colour: sand & black
Intended purpose

Round knitted medical stockings are used for compression of the lower extremities, mainly for the treatment of disorders of the venous systems.


In general, your duomed compression stocking can be used for the following indications:
Chronic venous diseases

  • To improve venous symptoms
  • To improve quality of life in chronic venous diseases
  • Prevention and therapy of venous oedema
  • Prevention and therapy of venous skin changes
  • Eczema and pigmentation
  • Lipodermatosclerosis and atrophic blanche
  • Therapy of the venous ulcer
  • Therapy for mixed (caused by arterial and venous issues) ulceration (taking the contraindications into account: see item 3)
  • Prevention of recurrent venous ulcer
  • Pain reduction for venous ulcer
  • Varicose veins
  • Initial phase following varicose vein therapy
  • Functional venous insufficiency (with obesity or jobs that involve a lot of sitting or standing)
  • Venous malformations

Thromboembolic venous diseases

  • Superficial venous thrombosis
  • Deep vein thrombosis in the leg
  • Conditions that follow on from thrombosis
  • Post-thrombotic syndrome
  • Thrombotic prophylaxis in mobile patients


  • Lymphoedema
  • Oedema during pregnancy
  • Post-traumatic oedema
  • Post-operative oedema
  • Post-operative reperfusion oedema
  • Cyclic idiopathic oedema
  • Lipoedema
  • Conditions involving stasis due to immobility (arthrogenic congestive syndrome, paresis and partial paresis of the extremity)
  • Oedema caused by job ( jobs which involve a lot of sitting or standing)
  • Oedema caused by taking medication which cannot be altered (no viable alternative)

Other indications

  • Obesity with functional venous insufficiency
  • Inflammatory dermatitis of the leg
  • Nausea, dizziness during pregnancy
  • Complaints involving stasis during pregnancy
  • Conditions resulting from burns
  • Scar treatment

Medical compression stocking may not be worn if the patient has the following conditions:

  • Advanced peripheral arterial occlusive disease (if one of these parameters is present: ABPI < 0.5, ankle arterial pressure < 60 mmHg, toe pressure < 30mmHg or TcPO2 < 20 mmHg on dorsum of foot). When non-elastic materials are implemented, the patient can still try out compression stocking if they have ankle arterial pressure between 50 and 60 mmHg and they are under close clinical supervision.
  • Decompensated heart failure (NYHA III + IV)
  • Septic thrombophlebitis
  • Phlegmasia cerulea dolens

In the following instances, the therapeutic decision should be made by weighing up the benefits and risks and by selecting the most suitable compressive equipment:

  • Severe weeping dermatosis
  • Intolerance to compressive material
  • Severe paraesthesia in the limbs
  • Advanced peripheral neuropathy (e.g. in diabetes mellitus)
  • Primary chronic polyarthritis

If you are not sure whether one or more of these statements applies to you, speak to your doctor and/ or the medical personnel treating you.

Prescription information

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