The dowager’s hump – hunchback in osteoporosis

Doctor showing his patient a medi spinomed brace helping her to fight against her dowagers humpDoctor showing his patient a medi spinomed brace helping her to fight against her dowagers hump

Osteoporosis can result in vertebral body fractures. If left untreated, these usually lead to an increasingly bent posture, i.e., hunchback development of the back. This is often accompanied by a noticeable loss of overall height in those affected. The accompanying chronic back pain is mainly caused by static changes of the entire spinal column. The hunchback, also called dowager’s hump in connection with osteoporosis, shifts the body’s centre of gravity forward. This is referred to by the doctor as pathological kyphosis (curvature). The changed structure results in an increased tendency to lose balance and potentially fall. The Spinomed spine straightening back orthoses can counteract this poor posture.

Causes for a dowager’s hump / hunchback

A dowager’s hump is usually caused by vertebral fractures due to osteoporosis. This is a metabolism-related skeletal disease that is also known as “bone loss”. Post-menopausal and elderly women are particularly affected. The colloquial expression therefore for the kyphotic posture associated with this presentation is “dowager’s hump”.
In osteoporosis, the bones lose density and stability. Fractures are particularly common in the femur and spine. If the vertebral bodies collapse, it is referred to as “compression fractures".

Symptoms of dowager’s hump / hunchback

The complaint of back pain is the main symptom for osteoporotic vertebral fracture. If there is acute back pain, then vertebral fractures are suspected – especially if the affected person is over 50 years old and there are associated risk factors for osteoporosis.

Treating dowager’s hump – hunchback

Treating dowager’s hump – hunchbackTreating dowager’s hump – hunchback

If the dowager’s hump is caused by osteoporosis, Spinomed back orthoses can be used to accompany the therapy. They activate the back muscles and can reduce the kyphosis angle1,2 (angle of curvature). Thanks to the innovative belt system, the user is guided upright according to the biofeedback mode of action.

Find out more about further therapy measures here.

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Back supports & braces
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