M.4s OA comfort knee brace
- Pain reduction and recovery of mobility
- Light weight frame and hinge construction
- Reliable relief of the affected compartment
M.4s OA comfort is a varus / valgus offloading brace. The product is exclusively to be used for the orthotic fitting of the knee and only on intact skin.
Product benefits:
- Relief of the lateral or medial compartment using the 3-point-principle
- Stabilisation of the knee joint via the 4-point-stabilisation-principle
- Varus and valgus relief can be adjusted easily and individually by relief mechanism close to the hinge joint
- Improved fit: The movable thigh shell adapts to a variety of thigh shapes, especially during movement.
- A high level of comfort: Double-layered condylar pad-covers reduce friction on the skin as the two layers of fabric slide easily against each other.
- Anatomically pre-moulded, twist-resistant frame geometry.
- Numbered straps provide easy and secure usage
- Comprehensive set of wedges for flexible extension and flexion limitation
- The movable D-rings adjust flexibly upon movement and provides that the brace supports secure fit on the leg
- Extension: 0°, 10°, 20°, 30°, 45°
- Flexion:0°, 10°, 20°, 30°, 45°, 60°, 75°, 90°
- Immobilisation: 0°, 10°, 20°, 30°, 45°
Intended purpose:M.4s OA comfort is a brace with a frame designed for relieving load on and stabilising the knee joint.

Manufacturer: medi GmbH & Co. KG, Medicusstraße 1, 95448 Bayreuth, Germany, www.mediuk.co.uk/shop/
Washing Instructions
All indications that require load relief of a compartment via the 3-point principle, physiological support and stabilisation in accordance with the 4-point principle and, where required, limitation of the range of motion of the knee joint, such as:
- Severe medial or lateral compartment osteoarthritis (class III at least) in conjunction with complex ligament instability.
- Before HTO (corrective osteotomy) for unicompartmental load relief (brace test)
- Following cartilage surgery or cartilage regeneration
- Following surgical intervention on the meniscus
Contra Indications
Bilateral osteoarthritis of the knee